After installing Qyrr, the first thing you’ll want to do is create your first QR code. In this guide, we’ll show you how.
Table of Contents
Add a new QR code
To create your first QR code with Qyrr, take the following steps:
- From your WordPress dashboard, go to Qyrr > Add New.
- You’ll then be taken to the QR code edit screen, where you can fully customize your QR code.

- Click the QR code on your edit screen to get started. You’ll then see a couple of sections on the right side of the editor that we’ll cover step by step in this tutorial. The sections are:
- Source
- General Settings
- Logo or Label
- Download
- Bulk Generation
Step 1: Set your QR code source
First, you’ll want to select the source of your QR code. This content is what appears when someone scans the QR code with their camera or QR code app.

You have several options here to select from:
- Page/Post
- External URL
- Text
- Phone Number
- SMS message
- WhatsApp message
- GEO Location
- WiFi
- vCard
Depending on your selection, you’ll notice the content fields below will change automatically. For example, if you select Text, you get a text area to add your content. But by selecting SMS, you will get a field for the phone number and a text area for your SMS text.
Step 2 (optional): Make your QR code dynamic
Once you select Page/Post or External URL you’ll see an additional option called Dynamic QR-Code.

Activating it will allow you to change the URL later without modifying the QR code itself. This is handy if you change the URL later without generating new QR codes.
Step 3: Customize your QR code
The General Settings section allows you to customize the design of your QR code. Here you can set the size of your QR code, control the background, and text color, and set the quiet zone and error handling level.

You’ll notice that the QR code on the left will automatically adapt as you change the settings. So you’ll get a live preview as you go.
Step 4: Add your logo or label
If you want to add your own logo or custom text on your QR code, you can in this section.
Upload a logo or add a custom label text, change the size and positioning of it, and more.

Tip: If you want to use Google Fonts for the label, you must add your Google Fonts API key in Qyrr > Settings > General Settings.
Step 5: Set your download settings
In this section, you can select the download format (SVG/PNG), directly download the generated image file and copy the shortcode to embed your shortcode on your website.

Step 6: Add your QR code to your website
Now you’ve customized your QR code, scroll to the top of the page and click Publish. Once done, you’ll be able to add your QR code to a page/post on your website. To do this, follow our How to display a QR code on your website guide.