Since 2.0 Qyrr includes the ability to automatically generate QR Codes for all kinds of custom post types.
Choose a global template
As the first step, go to Qyrr->Settings->General and select a QR Code that you like to use as a global template:

This template will be the starting point for each newly generated QR Code. New QR codes will have the same style, size, and settings as the global template but differ in the source (the link).
Add post types for auto-generation
Now go to Qyrr->Settings->Auto-Generate and search for the post types you want to use for the auto-generation:

Once that’s done, you will notice a new meta box when editing a page/post/product containing a QR code generated based on the global template.
It also contains a shortcode that you can copy and add to your website to output the QR Code on your website: